Thursday Power Blackout set to Affect 10 Counties; List of The Areas
Thursday Power Blackout set to Affect 10 Counties. KPLC stated,”Good evening our esteemed customers, the following areas are scheduled for power interruption dated tomorrow (14/12/2023).”
Machakos County( 9:00Am to 5:00pm)
Mlolongo Town; Ngwata phase 3, mlolongo police, Madharau Street, Masai shop and adjacent customers.
Parts of Sabaki; Upper lower Sabaki, Sabaki catholic, Mt. olive, white star and adjacent customers.
Ilpolosat, Konza; Konza Kws, Konza Railway stn, Konza pri, llmamen pri, sirere, Naserian pri, China Aerospace, olemungush pri and Adjacent customers.
Kajiado County( 9:00 Am to 5:00pm)
Kiserian; Kanisani road, kwekwe, Nalepo, Kahuho, Pipeline Road, Kipeto and adjacent customers.
Uasin Gishu County( 9:00Am to 7:00pm)
Cheplaskei, Kabiyet; Outspan, Oletipis, Kimuri, Kabongo, Lelmokwo, Sigoit, Ndalat, Chepkemei, Sangalo T/fact, Mlango, Taborwa, St. Brigit and adjacent customers.
Nyeri County( 8:00Am to 4:00pm)
Kigogoini, Wandumbi; Tetu girls, Kiri sec, upper Gachuiro, Rosewood Academy, Huhoini Girls, Kina TBC, Gaithuri village, Aberdare gate kiandongoro, Gatumbiro, Gathaithi Sec and Adjacent customers.
Chaka, Karundas; Nyaribo, Kirichu, Kiganjo police college, New KCC, Rosa Academy, Maragima, Mbiriri, Kanuna, Millimani East, Kagumo high sch, Maisha floor and adjacent customers.
Chinga, Ruruguti; St. Thomas pri, Othaya girls, Munani Est, Gitundu village, Demka Diaries, Gathambari TBC, Gathanji mkt, Kianguru village, Gicici mkt, Kiinu pri, Kariku mkt, Mucharage, Kagongo ACK and adjacent customers.
Embu County( 9:00Am to 5:00pm)
Pi Oriental Hotel; Karuangi mkt, Mugambaciura mkt and adjacent customers.
Nandi County( 10:00Am to 7:00Pm)
Koisolik, Kurgung; Sarora, Kimungoror, Kamasaai, St. Brigitta, Singilet, Koiban, Bishop Muge, Kapkoros, Teresia, St. Monica, Tulwa and adjacent customers.
Kisii County( 9:00Am to 4:00pm)
Ogembo, Kenyenya; Eberege T/fact, Ogembo T/fact, Etago, Riokindo, Magenche, Sengera, Ibencho and adjacent Customers.
Migori County( 9:00Am to 4:00pm)
Kegonga, Maeta; Nguruna, Itongo, Matare, Omome, Kiendege prisons and Adjacent customers.
Kiambu County(8:30Am to 5:00pm)
BTL, Prisons, Superfoam; Kenya Tents, Ruiru prison, Redland Roses, part of OJ, Membley Riverside, Part of Tatu City, Hardi Kenya and adjacent customers.
Bidco, MKU; General Kago Mortuary, Thika Technical Institute, Part of MKU, Medisel, Mjengo Limited, Bakex and Adjacent customers.
Witeithie, Part of Bob Harries Road; Albizwa, Ngoigwa, Tora, Metro film, Gatitu, Thika Institute of Business Studies, Vincentian Retreat centre, Compuera, Muiri farm, Kiahuria S/centre, Thika Road girls, Ndarugu Motel, Selecta water pump, Mangu high sch, Mpesa Foundation, Zetech University and adjacent customers.
Kilifi County( 9:00Am to 5:00pm)
Kilifi; Sea Horse, Magreb, Viwa hospital and adjacent customers.
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