KNEC Addresses Claims of Releasing KCSE Grades of Student Who Died Before Exams.
KNEC Addresses Claims of Releasing KCSE Grades of Student Who Died Before Exams: A screen shot of a result has been trending online, claiming that they are results of a student, who passed before he got an opportunity to sit for the Kenya certificate of secondary Education( KCSE).
The post that has circulated widely on social media, has raiser eyebrows, after claiming that KNEC allegedly awarded the student a grade D minus in Biology.
The tweet read,”This boy reportedly died before KCSE exams began, but somehow he pulled a mama Rosa, resurrected, sat the biology paper, and scored a D-, maybe because he couldn’t revise in the grave because of darkness. The only thing that works efficiently in this country is corruption. The country is in the hands of quacks.”
The Kenya national Examination council, has come out to refute claims, declaring that this is nothing but fake news.

They stood their ground saying the result, did not come from their portal.
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