KPLC Lists 5 Counties to Experience Power Outage on Wednesday.
KPLC Lists 5 Counties to Experience Power Outage on Wednesday: The power Utility firm noted that Wednesday, February 14, 2024, power interruptions will affect Kisii, Nandi, Kajiado, Makueni and Machakos Counties.
Machakos County ( 9:00 am to 5:00 pm)
The affected areas include; Transview Estate, Total Athi River, Kiuini Secondary, Portland Senior Staff Quarters and adjacent customers.
Makueni County ( 9:00 am to 5:00 pm)
Areas affected include; Itangini Market, Kaumoni, Ngoluni, Kisau Girls, Mbumbuni Market, No Nyanya, Ngaa, Kithungo, Tawa, Kalawani, Wanzauni, Kikima, Mavindu, Uvaani, Kyuu Nzeveni, Makindu, Mtito Andei, Ikutha, Mutomo and adjacent customers.
Kajiado County ( 9:00 am to 5:00 pm)
The areas affected include; Migaa Road, St. Patrick, Oloseos, Ilmasin, Kona Baridi Kisamis, Lingaroch, Ilodariak, Tinga, Ensonorua and adjacent customers.
Nandi county (9:00 am to 4:00 pm)
The areas affected include; Chebarbar, Tilalwa, Kapdilidil, Baraton Center, Chepterit Girls, Kapkobis, Kapdididil, Part of Maili Nne and adjacent customers.
Kisii County (9:00 am to 3:30 pm)
The areas affected include; Part of Kiamokama Market, Moremani Village, Ibacho Market, Obwari Primary, Getare Girls High School, Nyankononi Secondary, Mokobokobo Primary, Kenyerere Primary and adjacent customers.
Part of Mwembe and Kiamabundu in Kisii County will be in blackout from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm.
The areas affected include Mwembe, Gekomu, Otamba, Gesure, Kiamabundu, Nyansancha and adjacent customers.
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