The AUC Chairmanship Election will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on February 15 and 16 after the election of AU Commissioners on February 12 and 13.
According to the commission statutes, the Assembly elects the chairperson and deputy chairperson, while the Executive Council elects the commissioners, who are appointed by the Assembly.
The commission members’ terms are for four years, renewable once.
Panel of Eminent Africans, composed of five personalities, one per region, will oversee the pre-selection of candidatures for the senior leadership of the Commission
“The Assembly of Heads of State and Government elects and appoints the chairperson and deputy chairperson during their Session on the 15-16 February 2025,” AU said in an explainer.
However, in this year’s election, at least six countries will not take part in the voting process.
These countries, which include Niger, Mali, Guinea, Gabon, Burkina Faso and Sudan are suspended for various reasons ranging from coups to civil wars.
The suspensions are usually announced by the African Union’s Peace and Security Council (PSC).
Mali, Guinea and Sudan were suspended in 2021, and Burkina Faso followed a year later after the military took over power.
Gabon would then be suspended in August 2023 as Sudan joined the league last month (January 2025).
The suspensions bar the countries from participating in any African Union-related activities until they are cleared and re-admitted to the African Union.
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