JLAC approves suspension of IEBC four. JLAC approves suspension of IEBC four( Julian Cherera, Justus Nyang’aya, Irene Masit and Francis Wanderi). Led by the JLAC chair, Goerge Murugara, they requested that the head of state should launch a tribunal that will probe into the actions of the four. JLAC stated,”The…
Author: SuperAdmin
Cooperative CS Chelugui reveals the total amount of Hustler Fund Kenyans have borrowed in the past 24 hours. Micro, small, medium and cooperative CS chelugui reveals that Kenyans have borrowed a total of ksh. 408 million from the hustler fund in the past 24 hours. He added that over over…
Netizens uproar to Uasin Gishu governor Jonathan Bii. Netizens uproar to Uasin Gishu governor Jonathan Bii ; Taking it to their social media platforms, They have expressed that he is not executing what he promised the people of Uasin Gishu. Others added that since he was elected, he has been…
How can you get a loan with interest of 8%- Azimio on Hustler fund. Azimio la Umoja coalition has faulted the hustler fund saying it does not favor Hustlers but only serves the interests of Kenya kwanza. One of the legislators, Junet Mohammed stated that the terms and conditions of…
Kenya’s HIV cases hike by 7.3% as the world commemorates world AIDS days. Reports by the health department indicate that Kenya’s HIV cases hike by 7.3%. This comes after 34,540 new infections were discovered. Atleast 17,961 adolescents and young adults aged 15-29 tested positive for HIV in 2021, with reports…
Kenyans air their views on the terms and conditions of hustler fund. Today, the head of state, President William Ruto launched the hustlers’ fund. The fund will be accessed through personal finance, micro loans, SME loans and start up. Immediately after the launch, Kenyans air their views on the hustler…
You should know that I am in ODM to stay- Oparanya changes tune on his split with Raila. Former Kakamega governor, Wycliffe Oparanya has broken silence ever since he stated that ODM was sidelining his people. Speaking during an interview at TV47, Oparanya highlighted that he will not leave ODM…
The Lord is my strong defender- Kawira’s speech after court stops impeachment. A bright day for Meru county governor, after the hight court dismissed the MCAs petition seeking to remove her from office. The court stated that the petition was flawed and invalid, the right procedure for removal was not…
How to apply and check loan balance, eligibility and Facts about hustler fund. The hustler fund was launched today by President William Ruto. The hustler fund is a creation of the draft public finance Management Regulations 2022. It provides access to responsible finance for personal, micro, small and medium sized…
I have already received 50,0000 from Riggy G- DP Gachagua promotes a mtumba guy at Hustler’s fund launch A lucky day for a mtumba guy, who got a chance to sell T- shirts to the second in command, Rigathi Gachagua. This happened at the Launch of hustlers’ fund at green…
DPP Haji withdraws murder charges against Cohen’s widow. Director of public prosecutions, DPP Haji withdraws murder charges against Cohen’s widow Sarah Wairimu. Sarah was accused of killing the late husband and dumping his body in tank of water. The prosecutor, filed Nole prosequi in court seeking not to proceed with the…
Impeachment motion is flawed and quashed- Court stops Kawira’s Impeachment. Last week, Meru members of county assembly passed a motion that was seeking Kawira’s removal from office of the Governor of Meru county. The court has however, Barred the process, stating that the means the MCAs took were flawed and…