Drama as Malala’s mother clashes with the DCI. Drama as Malala’s mother clashes with the DCI who were at her home in Kakamega. Cleophas Malala’s mother who was angry dared the directorate of criminial investigation to arrest her instead of the son. She accused them of causing frustration to his son…
Author: SuperAdmin
Scrutiny of IEBC servers comes to an end. Justice Lenaola has declared that scrutiny of IEBC servers has been completed. This is after Azimio la Umoja was granted access to the IEBC servers. Justice Lenaola on september 1, stated that indeed the process was completed last night. He stated,”We received…
Chebukati dismissal, CJ Koome’s view Chief Justice Martha Koome has raised questions regarding Chebukati dismissal. This is after the Azimio la Umoja coalition filed a petition to disqualify the IEBC chairman. Koome asked if it was right that the 7 judges agree to his dismissal despite the constitutional mandates. She…
Errors noted in the recounted ballot boxes Reports have indicated that a few errors noted in the recounted ballot boxes. In a total of nine out of 45 ballot boxes some errors were outlined. This includes unfilled form 34A, failure to seal rejected ballot boxes, missing of the voters physical…
Maize flour records highest prices in inflation trend. Ever since the rise in the economic trend or inflation, Maize flour records highest prices in the trend. Maize flour suppliers have reported that the increase has amounted to 37.9 per cent. This was followed closely by kerosene which increased by…
Orengo explains why Ruto did not attain 50%+ 1 vote. The supreme court presidential petition hearing is underway, Lawyers are defending their parties. Orengo explains why Ruto did not attain 50%+ 1 vote. James Orengo is the lead counsel in the Azimio la Umoja coalition petition. Orengo has asked the…
Man tests positive for Monkeypox, Covid-19 and HIV.
KPLC announces changes in token purchasing
Scheduled power outage on 31st August 2022 and affected areas.
Matiang’i Commissions digital number plates. Cabinet Secretary for security, Matiang’i commissions digital number plates that will curb crime and fraud. The digital number plates has inbuilt security features that allows the traffic enforcement authorities to track how the car runs and who has ownership over it. This digital number plates…
Raila’s congratulatory message to Abdulswamad and fernandes. Raila’s congratulatory message to Gubernatorial candidates Abdulswamad and Fernandes of Mombasa and Kakamega Counties respectively. This is after the independent electoral and boundaries commission yesterday conducted polls, for those areas that were postponed. In Mombasa County, Abdulswamad Nassir of Azimio la Umoja won…
Supreme court orders recount of votes in 14 polling stations in specific counties In the ruling by the justices, they stated that the ballot boxes from the polling stations will be opened and recounted in a period of 2 days. Following this, the independent electoral and boundaries commission has been…