I have allowed the matatus back to the CBD- Kihika.
Nakuru county governor, Susan Kihika has announced that public service vehicles will now be back to the central business district after 2 years of being banned.
The matatus were banned from the CBD by the former governor Lee Kinyanjui.
She however, highlighted that the directive is temporary until a new modern bus park is constructed.
She stated,”I have allowed the matatus back to the CBD because I promised to do so but this will be temporary as we complete the construction of a modern bus park. When the park is completed, we will allocate spaces.”
The modern bus park which is budgeted to cost around 269 million. It will accomodate sacco offices, passenger sheds, power and gatehouses, public toilets, a fire fighting system, parking, walkways, and mast lights among other traffic essentials.
She added,”I campaigned on the platform of uplifting hustlers’ businesses, the ban had affected businesses because Nakuru is a transport and business hub.”
“Why should you allow passenger vehicles carrying one passenger into the CBD but ban a matatu with 15 passengers, does it make sense?she posed.
She further urged the PSVs to adhere to all NTSA and traffic rules to avoid collisions and accidents.
She stated,”All NTSA laws, rules and regulations shall apply at all times and shall be complied with and the county government laws shall be complied with, failure to which allocation will be withdrawn without notice.”